
Morocco to launch 200 MW solar power tender by end-January | SeeNews Renewables

Morocco is putting together another solar energy project, this time the 200MW Noor Atlas complex:

SeeNews RenewablesMoroccan electricity and water utility company ONEE will launch a call for pre-qualification bids for a 200 MW solar power project by the end of January 2016, Moroccan daily Le Matin reported on Tuesday citing informed sources.

According to the daily, ONEE will step up the development of its solar programme by opening the tender procedures for Noor Atlas — a 200-MW solar power complex comprising eight photovoltaic (PV) plants of 10 MW to 30 MW each in the southern part of the country.

ONEE has already acquired the land rights of the eight sites and has launched feasibility studies. Three of the solar farms will be sited to the south in Tata, Tahla (Bouizakarne) and Tan Tan. The remaining five will be located to the east in Outat El Haj, Ain Beni Mathar, Boudnib, Bouananet and Boulmane (Enjil)…[FULL STORY]


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