
A young Arab woman’s new lodging website: No money is exchanged, just ideas | PRI

A young Moroccan woman explains how her travels, including at Hampshire College in the US, inspired her entrepreneurial ideas:

PRIThe first thing you notice about 22-year-old Yasmine El Baggari is her hat. When we met, she was wearing a sequined fedora from New Orleans.

“I have 32 hats,” El Baggari said. “I found hats a great way to connect with people because everyone comments on your hat. It’s a story and it sparks a conversation.”

El Baggari is Moroccan, and first came to the US as a high school exchange student in Kansas. She later ended up in Amherst, Massachusetts at Hampshire College. But she doesn’t call Western Massachusetts home, or rather, her only home.

“The world is my home,” said El Baggari. “Every city I go, I have a place to live. I have my stuff all over, in California, in DC, in New York, in Amherst, [with] people, families actually, who open their homes to me for free.”..[FULL STORY]


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