
8th session of Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for ICC and the Rule of Law kicks off in Rabat [Maghreb Arab Press]

The 8th session of the Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the International Criminal Court and the Rule of Law (CAP ICC) opened on Thursday in Rabat with the participation of over 100 Moroccan and foreign MPs:

MAP logoThe CAP ICC is a global gathering of legislators focused solely on the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the fight against impunity for the most serious crimes of international concern. This session is attended by head of government Abdelilah Benkirane, justice minister Mustapha Ramid, ICC top official and representatives of international organizations.

In a keynote speech, speaker of the house of representatives Rachid Talbi Alami underlined the progress in the field of human rights in Morocco, noting that Morocco dealt with this matter with courage, wisdom and a moral and political responsibility.

For his part, speaker of the house of advisors Mohamed Sheikh Biadillah said that this session is a crucial stage for efforts aimed at promoting the efficiency of the Rome Statute twelve years after its setting up as a system governing the ICC.

The justice minister highlighted the need to make national laws match the international law to put an end to the culture of impunity, underlining the fact that Morocco has elaborated a draft law that incriminates genocide and crimes against humanity.

ICC President Sang-Hyun Song said that this eighth session will have a positive impact on the Moroccan government’s decision concerning the ratification of the Rome Statute, adding that the Kingdom was chosen to host the event for its avant-garde role in the region…[original story, subscription required]



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