
HM the King Launches Professional Training Centers in Casablanca | Agence marocaine de Presse

King Mohammed VI at the inauguration of a vocational training center. Photo: MAP.

King Mohammed VI at the inauguration of a vocational training center. Photo: MAP.

MAP reports that King Mohammed VI on Tuesday presided over the groundbreaking of a professional training center and inaugurated a vocational training center targeting the service sector: 

Carried out by the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity for a total investment of 22 million dirhams, these projects reflect the High Royal solicitude towards youth, particularly those living in a vulnerable environment. They stem from the constant will of the Sovereign to provide them with new opportunities for, inter alia, to overcome the inevitability of academic failure and improve their socioeconomic conditions and those of their families.

These centers will consolidate the multiple actions carried out by the Foundation in the Greater Casablanca for young people, aiming to promote this segment of society, contribute to their development, and promote their access to various tools and means of social integration and employability.

With a budget of 12 million dirhams, the multidisciplinary training center, to be built in Sidi Moumen district, will provide poor out-of-school youth skills training in electrical engineering.

The target youth will also receive training in services sector (software development, web development, graphic design, e-consultancy) and commerce (business management, business accounting, sales techniques and sales agents).

A partnership between the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, the Office of Vocational Training and the Promotion of Employment and the Al-Omran Group, this project will participate in developing the sense responsibility and professional skills of young people.

As for the vocational training center in services sector, built in the prefecture of Hay Hassani, it will offer young beneficiaries in the region skills training in job-creating sectors, notably IT developer, web and mobile application developer, computer technician, computer graphics designer, telephone advisor and medical secretary.

Benefiting nearly 600 young people per year, this center, whose construction works were launched by HM the King on July 17, 2014, will also offer courses in commerce and business administration, accounting, corporate and sales techniques.

This project has required a budget of around 10 million dirhams financed by the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, the Casablanca Regional Council and the Office of Vocational Training and Labor Promotion, which also provides management and educational support.

These projects, launched and inaugurated by HM King Mohammed VI, confirm once again the interest of the Sovereign in training, qualification and the socio-professional integration of young people, indispensable conditions for the success of any social project.

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