
Morocco, Belgium Enjoy ‘Optimal’ Cooperation in Counter Terrorism (Belgian Minister) | MAP

Morocco continues to be one of the world’s leading partners in counter terrorism cooperation:

MAP logoMorocco and Belgium enjoy “optimal” cooperation in counter terrorism, particularly in the exchange of information and good practices, Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Security and Home Affairs Jan Jambon said Tuesday.

Belgium draws inspiration from Morocco’s security experience in the fields of information systems, telecommunications and identification, Jambon told the press on the sidelines of a visit of Belgian delegation, headed by Prime Minister Charles Michel, to the Direction of Information Systems, telecommunications and identification (DSITI) at the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN).This visit is part of the efforts aimed at examining means to reinforce bilateral cooperation, he added.During this visit, the Belgian delegation was provided with information on the process of issuing identity cards.  Minister of Security and Home Affairs expressed his admiration of the “advanced” technology used in the production of e-ID cards, expressing hope to benefit from the Moroccan experience in this regard, notably identification and fingerprinting.

During his first visit to Morocco, Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel held talks with Head of Government and the speakers of the two Houses of Parliament…[ORIGINAL STORY, SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED]

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