
Exercise African Lion 16 concludes with success | Marine Forces Reserve

A report on the conclusion of the joint US-Morocco Exercize African Lion 16, which helps to “maintain a strong military relationship with the Royal Kingdom of Morocco and other partners”:

dvidsAs Exercise African Lion 16 concluded, participating service members wrapped-up training and prepared to take newly gained knowledge back to their home nations.

Service members from the U.S. Armed Forces, the Moroccan Royal Armed Forces, the Federal Republic of Germany Armed Forces and other partner nations, to include Mauritania, Canada, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Tunisia and the Netherlands, participated in the annual training exercise this year.

The goal of African Lion was to conduct joint, combined training that promoted interoperability and mutual understanding between the nations, and to strengthen the relationships that will enable them to work together effectively in the future.

“The beauty of bringing an organization like this together is that each individual country, the Kingdom of Morocco and the Department of Defense, have unique capabilities,” said Col. Joseph Raftery, commander of the Combined Joint Task Force. “When they bring those capabilities together, they can learn and share from each other.”..[FULL STORY]


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