Author Archive

Western Sahara: Not on the Agenda – Robert M. Holley

Robert M. Holley September 23 , 2019 In case you missed the news earlier, Western Sahara is not a topic for consideration in the Security Council this month. Presumably, the Secretary General will still provide the Security Council some kind of report before MINURSO’s current mandate expires at the end of October, even though it will be missing those elements normally provided by his previous Personal Envoy, Horst Kohler, who ...

Mixed Messages on the Moroccan Economy; Bye Bye to Immigration Cards – Jean R. AbiNader

Jean R. AbiNader September 20, 2019 Reading tea leaves, even great Moroccan mint tea, is always challenging, especially with data that doesn’t always seem to match up. So, depending on what you’re measuring and where you gather your statistics, the message can vary from so bad to almost great, when it comes to economic performance. So let’s look at some of the recent stories about the Moroccan economy and see ...

The Skill of the Moroccan Monarchy in International Relations with the United States – Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.)

  Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.) September 19, 2019 The continuing progress in US-Moroccan relations, dating from Sultan Mohammed III to King Mohammed VI, serves to underscore the continuity and diplomatic skill of the Moroccan Monarchy in its long history with the United States. It is widely known that Morocco was the first country to recognize the United States of America in 1777, under Moroccan Sultan Mohammed III.  This was ...

Focus on Tunisia: What the Experts are Saying about its Economy – Jean R. AbiNader

Jean R. AbiNader September 12, 2019 I recently attended a dinner with young Tunisian political leaders and of course the discussion turned to politics, in Tunisia and the US. The only thing that we could find in common is that, at the time, the US had more presidential candidates (27) from both parties than Tunisia (26) from multiple parties. It was also noteworthy that in Tunisia there is a limited ...

Happy Anniversary, Libya? – Jean R. AbiNader

  Jean R. AbiNader September 5, 2019 Fifty years ago, I was graduating from college, and a little known 27-year old lieutenant in a little known country governed by a little known king staged a coup and bequeathed to the world the Libyan Arab Republic, which morphed into a Jamahiriya – a state of the masses. The lieutenant promoted himself to Colonel and then “Brotherly Leader and Guide of the ...

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