
King Dedicates New Apprenticeship-Training Center in Handicraft in Tetouan [AllAfrica]

Morocco has opened an apprenticeship training center for artisan handicrafts as part of its ongoing efforts to promote youth employment and value-added trade:

AllAfricaKing Mohammed VI dedicated on Thursday a new apprenticeship-training center in handicraft in Tetouan, illustrating once again the particular interest granted to the handicraft sector as a factor of economic and social development.

A total of 25 million Dirhams was invested in this project that comes to consolidate the role of handicraft as a sector generating jobs and added-value.

It will give to young people of the region an opportunity to receive vocational training that is adapted to the socio-economic reality of the handicraft sector, particularly through apprenticeship and guarantee their integration in the job market.

The center will also contribute to preserving some endangered occupations, promoting local products and reinforcing the sector organization and structuring.

Built on 1,500 square meters, the new institution also aims to support, organize and supervise craftsmen of the city of Tetouan and its region in order to help them improve and diversify their income and develop their products.

It consists of five workshops (upholstery, pottery/ceramics, iron work, carpentry and leather work), training rooms, an exhibition hall, a library, a computer room, a lab, administrative offices and a meeting room.

Set to receive 500 apprentices annually, the institution is the fruit of partnership between the department of vocational training, the ministry of handicraft and social economy, the urban commune of Tetouan and the Handicraft chamber of Tangiers-Tetouan…[Full Story]


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