
Morocco: Making waves with a yoga and surf break | The Irish Independent

Taghazout, a slightly different experience in Morocco:

Irish independent logoI look at my watch. It’s nearly 8pm. A warm breeze whispers in the palm trees. A wide, white moon hangs low in the sky. I’m standing barefoot on a beach in Morocco in warrior pose, breathing in, breathing out. It’s a far cry from your regular Saturday night in Dublin, but a welcome relief from our routine excesses of parties, pubs and supermarket trollies.

Here in Taghazout, a small fishing village 19km north of Agadir in the southwest of Morocco, no one rushes. No one is in a hurry.

Even the dogs don’t get worked up.

This laid-back village, once famous for calamari and hippies, is now a popular destination for yoga and surfing enthusiasts alike. With funky cafes serving fresh juices and lamb tagine (stew), and hassle-free hawkers selling local Berber crafts, Taghazout attracts tourists from all over the world. And many, like me, are looking for something a little different…[Full Story]



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