
King Mohammed VI Inaugurates Prison Rehabilitation Program in Rabat, MAP Reports

MAP logoAs reported by MAP:

HM King Mohammed VI, accompanied by HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, launched on Friday in Casablanca the Ramadan 2015 micro-projects and self-employment program for former inmates, an initiative that mirrors Royal support to the social and professional integration of this social category.

Nearly 317 former inmates from several Moroccan cities will benefit from the program, to be carried out by the Mohammed VI Foundation for the reintegration of detainees for a total cost of 5 million dirhams.

This action, reflecting the special attention given by HM the King to the social and professional integration of former inmates, is also part of a Royal vision aiming at reinforcing societal security, fighting delinquency, reducing recidivism and creating income- generating activities through improving the quality of life of former prisoners.

It consists in providing financial support and equipment to former inmates on the basis of a study conducted during the detention period by the integration service taking into account the consistency of the training with the know-how of the inmate as well as the job market requirements.

In 2014, the same program helped in the professional integration of 933 former prisoners in enterprises and the creation of 1,436 micro-projects in a wide array of sectors.

This strategy is overseen by the Mohammed VI Foundation for the integration of prisoners in partnership with the administration in charge of the integration of prisoners and the ministerial departments delivering training and services as well as civil society partners.

On this occasion, HM the King handed checks and equipment to the ex-convicts who are will be starting revenue generating projects in the greater Casablanca region.

The Sovereign also handed diplomas to the former inmates who, after being freed, joined vocational training institutions, high schools and universities and passed their exams.

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