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The Resolve of King Mohammed VI – Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.)

  Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.) December 18, 2019 Last week, I read stories speculating that Morocco would be normalizing relations with Israel  in exchange for a more forward leaning US statement or policy on the Western Sahara, an existential issue for the country. Secretary Pompeo was to make a two-day visit to Morocco in early December during which he would have an audience with King Mohammed VI. Some even ...

Morocco’s Influence on One American Islamic Scholar – Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.)

Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.) December 16, 2019 Daoud Casewit is a one-of-a-kind individual. Originally from Colorado, and the son of an author of mountain sports and travel books, he converted to Islam in Morocco in 1977. It was also in Morocco that he met his American wife, Fatima, and began to study Arabic with a focus on the recitation of the Quran and the Maliki teachings of Islam. In ...

Western Sahara Update – Robert M. Holley

Robert M. Holley October 31 , 2019 Yesterday, October 30, the United Nations Security Council voted to renew its peacekeeping mission in Western Sahara, MINURSO. The renewal broke with the recent practice of shortening the mandate and extended MINURSO for another 12 months. There was no human rights monitoring mechanism added to the mission. Readers who have followed my recent blogs in this space on Western Sahara may recall that ...

Rising Expectations: An Interview with Najwa El-Iraki – Jean R. AbiNader

Jean R. AbiNader October 17, 2019 Over the years, I have met many Moroccan professionals committed to becoming the next generation of leaders, entrepreneurs, and role models in their country, even if that means going abroad to take advantage of opportunities that have not yet matured in Morocco. I recently met with Najwa El-Iraki, the founder and managing partner of AfricaDevConsulting, a business development and advisory firm building networks of ...

A Tale of Four Worlds, by Marina and David Ottaway: Morocco among the Best – Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.)

Ambassador Edward M. Gabriel (ret.) October 16, 2019 In a recent conference hosted by the Wilson Center in Washington, Fellows and authors Marina and David Ottaway reviewed their new book, A Tale of Four Worlds, moderated by Washington Post correspondent David Ignatius. When asked “What is the King of Morocco doing right and wrong to advance his commitment to move his country towards an ‘irreversible’ democratic and reformist country?” Marina ...

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